
Rafael Hernandez Sr.

For this project I chose Rafael Hernandez Sr. as my subject. I came across my subject while in church, I known of him for years, but didn't really know him. He is an avid churchgoer and spends most of his time within the church even serving on the Board of Trustees for the church. Rafael was born and raised in Villalba, Puerto Rico. He is the youngest of 11 children. He came to Newark in 1963 with his wife and children and has resided here ever since. He began working for a window installation company and worked there for thirty years until his retirement. He currently spends his time running errands for the church and provides transportation for the elderly members of the church. He is also a key holder and grounds man for the church at the age of 69. I chose to photograph Rafael in his natural environment doing what he loves to do, drink coffee and share stories. He was very interesting to me due to the fact of the various tasks he does daily despite his age. He is also known for undying support to his religion. He visits the sick and elderly in the hospital on a weekly basis. He also helps donate food to the poor every third Saturday of the month. He is known around my community for his willingness to lend a hand to anyone and everyone.

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